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Keeping Connected 22 Sept 21

Writer: St Luke'sSt Luke's


Great to be able to share some encouragement with you as we face yet another week of lockdown and protests.

If you are finding it tough to keep your head above water and would like some assistance or prayer, please do contact me at or 0419 248 724.

This week's inclusions for your reading are an incredibly helpful article attached and titled : ' How to Spend Time with God (Tips on Sitting in God's Presence) ' used with permission from author Hanha Hobson ( yes that's the correct spelling). And 2 articles below: ' RUOK ' and 'Getting through what you're going through' (both used with permission by Vision Christian Media, from Word for Today available for free).

Enjoy and may you find great comfort and courage .

Many blessings


More‘When you are tempted, He will also provide a way out.’ 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

Some people stay in hopeless situations their whole lives without ever making a decision to seek God’s power to get through them. Being ‘long-suffering’ doesn’t mean living in misery any longer than necessary. Paul says, ‘Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.’ (Romans 12:2 PHPS) When you renew your mind with God’s Word, He’ll show you His will and strengthen you to get through—once and for all—what you’ve been going through for years. Instead of complaining about your circumstances, determine to get through them.

Author John Mason says: ‘Don’t accept your present temporary situation as your future permanent situation… determine to get on with life and fulfil your purpose… Paul says, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7 KJV) We’re not to be moved by the obvious, but by the actual. If you’ve been saying for years, “I’m going through this situation,” stand up and declare, “I’ve had enough. It’s time to get through this mess!” The enemy wants you to believe you’ll never be victorious… or overcome your present circumstance. But God’s Word says, “God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV) Take this verse and stand on it. God is faithful. He will provide “a way out”.’

Your circumstances may not change right away, but as far as God’s concerned, you’re already out on the other side.


The mental health crisis. We’ve all been told by the news that this is a bigger pandemic than COVID-19. And it can be closer than you think. That colleague, or neighbour, or neighborhood grocer may just need that support. And it can be just as simply as starting a conversation.

The R U OK movement was started to empower you and I to do so. Founded in 2009, R U OK encourages people to have a conversation, support one another.

Robbo and Becci of Vision Radio’s Rise and Shine program caught up with Justin Geange, Ambassador for R U OK. Justin shares four simple steps: 1. Start to notice if someone or yourself are struggling. Someone may be doing things or speaking differently than what they normally would. If you are doing it tough, reach out for help. It is OK not to be OK.

2. Ask R U OK or R U really OK?

3. Listen. Listen without judgement. Listen to understand, not to respond.

4. Encourage action. Recommend a resource eg. a counselor. Check-in after to see how that person is doing.

Our commission as Christians is to love our neighbor, and part of that is reaching out to them. Justin further adds that when we take our eyes off our own stuff, that may take the sting out of our eyes too.

So, check in on someone tonight or this weekend!


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