Lent is upon us

Have you ever thought about lent? What does it mean? Why do we do it?
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It runs for six and a half weeks before Easter and culminates in the commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus our saviour. Traditionally it points believers to the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness before he began his public ministry. Christians have often used lent to spend days of fasting and prayer and/or saving to give to missions. The purpose of these disciplines is to help us focus spiritually on what Christ did at Easter.
During Lent on Sundays here at St Luke’s we will be looking at values. There are different type of values. Family values, church values, personal values and Godly values.
So, what are values?
Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. They help us to determine what is important to us. Values describe the qualities we choose to guide our actions. They tell us the sort of person or church we want to be. They provide the general guidelines for conduct. Values are the motive behind purposeful action. Personal values are personal beliefs about what we accept as right and wrong. Our church values are ones that we discuss and accept and reflect what is important in our context.
This is what we will be doing during this Lenten season. Re-evaluating what we as St Luke’s say as important to us as a community of believers.
Let me leave you this month with a question. What do we value? What do we see as important as a church? What do God value?
Blessings to you as a valued people of Christ
Revd. Christopher
