April 2022 at St Luke’s Cockatoo is a big month.
We start the month finishing our preaching series looking at Our Values. This has been a good time as we have revisited what God values and then in turn what we values as individuals and as a community of Faith.
After this we enter into one of the most solemn, yet also joyous part of our Christian year as we experience Easter. This means so much to so many people. This is a time when we revisit the final days of Jesus. From His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to His last supper with His friends, to His betrayal, crucifixion, burial and finally His glorious resurrection, this is a blessed and sacred time.
But what does it all mean for you? Is it a much-needed holiday? Is it a time to spend with family and friends? Is it a time to eat hot cross buns and chocolate eggs? Or is it all of this and yet, so much more?
Easter is I time to pause and remember what God did for humanity to bring it back into right relationship. Saving people is what God is about. This comes out of God’s great love for you and for me. In the person of Jesus, God showed us what true love looked like. It is all giving and it is sacrificial. Jesus gave his life by living it fully. Jesus also gave his life by choosing to give it as a ransom for all of humanity. For you and for me. For those who deserve it and for those who don’t.
The death of Jesus is a centre point of human history. It is closely followed by Jesus’ resurrection to new life. It is this fact that gives us both life and hope. This is for today and also for tomorrow.
Easter is about celebrating that new life and hope that is freely offer to us in Christ Jesus. As we join in all that Easter has let us hold on to that new life and hope this is ours.
I pray that this Easter is a wonderful time for you. Enjoy it! Cherish it! Better still, live it every day. That is the message of Easter. Easter is not just for a weekend. It is for our whole lives.
Blessings to you and yours
Revd Christopher
